Taking Benadryl While Breastfeeding

Our pharmacist discusses whether or not Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is compatible with breast feeding.

Dec 08, 2017

Randall asked

Can you take Benadryl While breastfeeding?


In most cases, it is not recommended to use Benadryl (diphenhydramine) while breast feeding as it is excreted into the breast milk and has the potential to cause side effects in infants.

While small doses, once in awhile are generally well tolerated, prolonged dosing is associated with several side effects in infants. These could include irritability and sedation. In one study, irritability was reported in about 10% of infants and drowsiness was reported in 1.6% of infants who breastfed while their mother was taking Benadryl.

In addition to side effects in the infant, Benadryl may lessen the ability to produce milk. First generation antihistamines in particular, of which Benadryl is included, can lower prolactin section in the body, which can interfere with the ability to effectively lactate.

If you are looking for a safe antihistamine to take while breastfeeding, Claritin (loratadine) is recommended. Claritin shows extremely low concentrations in the breastmilk and lacks the sedative effects of first generation antihistamines. The American Academy Of Pediatrics lists Claritin as generally compatible with breast feeding, a designation that Benadryl does not have.

If you do take Benadryl, most of the drug is completely metabolized from the body 24 to 48 hours after dosing. You can reasonably rely on the drug not being in the breast milk in significant concentrations after one to two days.

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