Is Topamax Effective For Migraines?

Our pharmacist answers the latest question regarding whether or not Topamax (Topiramate) is effective for migraines.

Sep 28, 2017

Porschea asked

My doctor prescribed Topamax for migraines for my son who is 17 years old. Is it effective at all?


Migraine problems in children are more common than many people realize. It has been reported that more than 5% of kids suffer from migraine headaches. Typically, they are more common in males before they hit puberty and more common in girls after puberty.

While there is always the option for drug therapy, it is important to emphasize lifestyle changes. Therapeutic lifestyle changes can have a major impact on migraines and can be extremely effective. Certain lifestyle changes to consider are managing stress, getting a good amount of sleep at night, eating regular meals, exercising and avoiding caffeine. Also, it is important to identify what can be causing migraines, or what could be a trigger. Avoiding those migraine triggers are often the best therapy.

Topamax (Topiramate) is specifically indicated for children 12 years and older for migraine prophylaxis. It is a very commonly prescribed drug because it is the ONLY FDA approved medications for adolescents. There is unfortunately a downside to topiramate as it can cause a good number of side effects in people. Some common side effects are mental/cognitive problems, weight loss and possible metabolic side effects.

Topiramate is but one option for drug therapy. Other drugs the prescribers will write for include amitriptyline, divalproex, a class of heart medications known as better blockers and oral contraceptives for females.

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