Hemorrhoid Prevention And Treatment

Our pharmacist answers the latest question regarding hemorrhoid causes, treatment and prevention.

Sep 23, 2017

Tim asked

I just discovered that I have hemorrhoids I went to a clinic yesterday they told me that I had it.they told me was from a lack of fiber high protein not enough water That I should just do salt water baths cream. My question is do they go away. also can you get hemorrhoids I'm having sex male on male.


Yes, hemorrhoids can go away on their own but it depends what kind of hemorrhoids they are. Typically, they are classified as either internal or external and each of those classifications are assigned "grades" based on severity and size. Most hemorrhoids can certainly reduce and go away on their own but it helps in both treatment and prevention to follow these recommendations:

  • As you mentioned in your question, a high protein diet can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. You want to make sure you are taking in a appropriate amount of water. High protein can contribute to hard stools and straining when going to the bathroom. Both of these can contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • A high fiber diet is important and has been shown to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids. Fiber from your diet and also supplemental fiber are recommended. The most studied form of fiber for hemorrhoids is psyllum fiber so we would recommend that if you were to supplement with fiber.
  • Avoid straining when passing a stool. Adequate water intake can help this as well as stool softeners such as docusate (over the counter medication).
  • Salt water baths (also known as sitz baths) can also help the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

In terms of over the counter medications you can use to help with your symptoms, it depends if your hemorrhoids are internal or external. Suppositories are recommended for internal ones whereas topical products are recommended for external ones. There are several different medications you can use so we have listed some here

  • Phenylephrine (a component in many products, just look at the label on the box) - Helps the burning feeling and shrinks the hemorrhoids.
  • Witch Hazel (typically available as a topical wipe) - Helps with burning, itching and irritation.
  • Hydrocortisone- A topical steroid that helps reduce itching and inflammation.
  • Pramoxine - An anesthetic that reduces pain.
  • Zinc Oxide, Petrolatum - Prevents irritation by creating a barrier around the hemorrhoids.
  • You can also take Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) for pain but ibuprofen would not be recommended if you are having issues with bleeding as it could worsen it.

You mention in your question about getting hemorrhoids from a partner. Hemorrhoids are not a sexually transmitted or communicable disease so no, you cannot get them from your partner or anyone else by contact. If your sexual activity involves anal sex, then that could certainly be a contributing factor to the formation of hemorrhoids.

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