Does Mucinex Cough A Dry Cough?

The pharmacist discusses whether or not Mucinex (guaifenesin) can cause a dry cough.

Jul 01, 2018

Kywoman asked

I got walking pneumonia for 2 weeks and now doctor put me on Flonase spray and a Z-pack. I finished it 3 days ago and now he wants me take Mucinex for 3 weeks. I got dry cough after taking it for week. Should I stop the Mucinex, the cause of my dry cough? It makes me feel like can't breathe.


Mucinex  (guaifenesin) is an expectorant that is used to make dry coughs more productive. It is often referred to as a "chest decongestant" because it helps to thin and loosen secretions that are stuck in your airway. Specifically, it reduces the viscosity and adhesiveness of secretions. So instead of causing a dry cough, it typically does the opposite, and causes a productive cough.

Mucinex has few reported side effects, some of which include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

The above side effects rarely occur with therapeutic doses and are generally only associated with high or excessive doses.

Nevertheless, there certainly is a chance you have a sensitivity to the medication or it is irritating for some reason when you take it. Mucinex is purely for symptomatic control and doesn't cure or eradicate bacterial infections like pneumonia. If it is bothering you, you can stop with no ill effects. However, be sure to speak with your doctor though before stopping as they have directed you to take it. You and your doctor can look for alternative therapies that may be better tolerated for you.

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